Aquatic Plant Farm in Zipori – Sustainable water recycling

Ayala Water and Ecology cultivates aquatic plants designed to purify wastewater, employing our innovative Natural Biological System (NBS). This nature-based technology operates without the need for energy or chemicals and requires minimal human maintenance. At our Zippori farm, we cultivate specialized aquatic plants that are integral to the wastewater purification systems we design and implement. […]

Implementing Sustainable Water Treatment at Aquatic Biosystems

Ensuring Quality and Expansion Plans We prioritize strict measures to ensure high-quality and reliable aquatic species. Fish undergo a three-month quarantine to ensure they are disease-free, followed by acclimatization before shipping. In the near future, we plan to expand our operations, including exporting ornamental fish to Gulf countries, building on our strong domestic market presence. […]


AYALA desarrolló la tecnología ‘NBS’ – Natural Biological System (SBN – Sistema Biológico Natural) y la ha practicado con éxito durante más de 30 años. Un enfoque de solución basada en la naturaleza para proporcionar simultáneamente seguridad hídrica y reducción de la huella de carbono, restaurando el equilibrio ambiental; Nuestros valores fundamentales giran en torno a […]