Hormones and pharmaceutical residues reduction by the NBS

NBS as a buffer to maintaining river life – An Italian-Israeli Treated water of varying quality is fed into rivers all over the world. In Israel, all water sources are used for drinking water, so treated water is the only water source for rivers. In many cases, the quality of treatment is not sufficient. We […]
Yavne River crossing the heart of the city of Yavne

Yavne River crossing the heart of the city of Yavne, was rejuvenated as a living running river insidethe new green quarter of the city. The river eventually will circulate recycled treated sewage waterpretreated in 7 NBS units along the river and as part of the beautiful park. This river has become themain attraction for nearby […]
Rural sewage treatment with the PNBS – Bolivian Highlands

Two PNBS (Portable Natural Biological System) units were installed in the villages of Larati & Pampilla, in Bolivia’s highland (3700m) near Cochabamba, by Ayala’s team. Beyond the critical environmental impact of protecting the local freshwater aquifers and providing high-quality water, the social impact was evident and heart-touching. In harsh weather conditions, the inauguration ceremony, held […]