“Indiska” Dairy Factory Sewage Treatment – Tamil Nadu, India

This dairy factory in Tamil Nadu produces only 25 cubic meters of sewage per day, but this relatively small amount of sewage carries with it an extremally high pollutant load of COD, BOD and TSS. Our facility treats the sewage to above and beyond regulatory requirement. It also eliminates olfactory nuisances typical of dairy waste.
Landfill Leachates Treatment – Hiriya Park, Israel

The NBS facility in Hiriya’s visitor center treats an average of 40 cubic meters of landfill leachates per day. Though the volume may not sound like much, landfill leachates are among the harshest types of sewage, characterized by extremally high chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD) and often by high concentrations of organic contaminants, […]
Gas Station Sewage Treatment – Dvira Dor-Alon, Israel

This NBS facility is fed sewage from a few different sources, Dor-Alon gas station as well as sanitary sewage from the adjacent commercial center. It there for treats a high COD and BOD content as well as Hydrocarbons and high levels of Ammonia. This facility also has to contend with dessert conditions (mainly inordinate amounts […]