Watershed Management and Protection – Alexander River, Israel

Israeli Ministry of the Environment Yad Hana, Israel Design and establishment of a robust wetland network to dramatically upgrade river quality polluted with industrial, sanitary, and agricultural outflow from numerous villages and towns in the Samaria Mountain range. The system copes with extreme swings in quality due to seasonal agricultural activity and functions with no […]
Ampa Building Onsite Wastewater Treatment – Tel Aviv, Israel

Commissioned by Ampa Real Estate Developers, Tel Aviv Municipality Tel Aviv, Israel Grey water treatment and recycling as part of a central business complex in Tel Aviv. A mixture of subsurface wetland and free-flow lotus/fish pond, it is a favorite site for urban joggers/lunch breakers. Forms a natural arcade with boardwalk and outlets to businesses. […]
Hormones and pharmaceutical residues reduction by the NBS

NBS as a buffer to maintaining river life – An Italian-Israeli Treated water of varying quality is fed into rivers all over the world. In Israel, all water sources are used for drinking water, so treated water is the only water source for rivers. In many cases, the quality of treatment is not sufficient. We […]