River Rehabilitation – Yarkon, Israel    

Commissioned by Tel Aviv Municipality Tel Aviv, Israel Integrated into the Peri-urban environment- without disturbing the main river channel, the NBSTM provides high-quality treatment and urban park landscaping for the benefit of recreation and biodiversity. Native plants and wildlife returned. Algal blooms have disappeared. Balance has been re-established.

Watershed Management Design – Plaine du Var, Nice, France

Watershed Management The integrated watershed management approach highlights the importance of the multiple uses of watershed resources to balance human and environmental needs, while simultaneously protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity. It aims to holistically integrate solutions for the entire watershed including water treatment and reuse, aquifer recharge, flood prevention, air pollution and carbon reduction, rehabilitation […]

Onsite Sewage Treatment – Ganei Tikva, Israel

Commissioned by the Ganei Tikva Municipal Council, Israel  Ganei Tikvah, a city in Central Israel, implemented an onsite grey water treatment facility to recycle water from 550 apartments. The high-quality effluent is used to irrigate the landscape and for the ornamental fish pond, creating an Active Landscape and reducing the urban heat sink.